Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Black Dark Wine

Black Dark Wine.

The crisp crackling sound of burn leaves under ones foot .
The shadowed sun effortlessly hides itself  behind the dark shower of potential.
These are the things that make one sing in homage to the beauty of existance.
Cut short in their birth and inevitable immediate death.
They linger,as a taste lingers in the mouth, a taste of the past.
Instantaneously they bring one back, they call one back.
long lost memories of a past that was so beautifull, and yet it will forever
these are a few of my favourite regrets.

Is it so true ?,truth and its bedfellow memory, have become so intertwinned that reality could have little chance of grasping the crystal true nature of existance.
 An acceptance that one can never re attain those golden days of youth, where everything now seen from the clouded future appears so golden, so bright, and so crystal? Are these not the reflective thoughts of Black dark wine.

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